Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Raise A Glass

Raise A Glass

Let’s hear it for Thatcher
The children’s milk snatcher
The poll tax rioter catcher
The privatisation scheme hatcher
The Belgrano missile dispatcher
The war criminal minister of great stature
This withered, vindictive Mother Nature
Who fed us on hatred, indifference and greed
Broke the unions and made yuppie culture
Broke the miners and watched society fracture
Sold the nationals off to foreign manufacture
Left us with a legacy of X-factor enrapture
From the credit card preacher to the pin-stripe suit lecher
From British Empire recapture to the lottery card scratcher
It’s exactly the same
We carry on with her game
So let’s hear it for Thatcher
The steely-eyed Victorian vulture
The raper of the worker’s infrastructure
The pin-prick in the family business rupture
No matter
She died as she would’ve wanted
At the Ritz
Under a government imprisoning Greenpeace activists
Choking on her gravalax
While her party introduce bedroom tax
We’ll fly the flags at half mast, engrave her name on gold plaques
But we’ll never cover her tracks
She’ll be down there with Satan grinding her axe
Surveying her nanny state through posthumous cataracts
I’m not being vulgar, just presenting the facts
So let’s hear it for Thatcher, raise a glass and relax.